Some 15 billion years ago, a tremendous expansion called the Big Bang brought our universe into existence. 

10-43s Temp= 1032K Creation and destruction of black holes; Superforce separates into the gravitational and Grand Unified forces; universe begins expanding and cooling 
10-35 10-12s Temp= 1027K Condensation of matter and antimatter particles from energy; rapid inflation of universe; Grand Unified force separates into electroweak and nuclear force; Gravitons and photons formed; matter and antimatter annihilate each other
10-12 to 10-6 s T= 1015K From here on out the universe expands inertially; electro weak force separates into electromagnetic and weak nuclear forces; all 4 forces present now; formation electrons and positrons and neutrinos and anti-neutrinos Gravity begins to slow the inertial expansion of the universe
10-6s to 1s T drops below 1013K quarks and antiquarks combine into protons and antiprotons and neutrons and antineutrons which annihilate each other. Because slightly more matter than antimatter had been created in the beginning, matter is all that remains to form the present universe.
1s to 15s T drops to 1010K neutrinos cease to interact with other particles
15s to 1 min T<3x109 K  electrons and positrons annihilate each other; there is a surplus of electrons
1 min to 5 min T drops from 1.6x 109K to 6x108K
Fusion of H nuclei (protons) to He nuclei. Comp of universe:  76%H and 24% He
5 min to 1,000,000 yrs T drops from 6x108K to 3x 103K  Universe continues to expand   All matter still ionized   Universe is opaque 
1,000,000 to one billion years T drops from 3000K Electrons combine with nuclei to form neutral atoms   Universe becomes transparent Universe some 107 ly in size    Breakup of universe into primordial clouds 
1 billion yrs to now T drops to 3K      Formation of galaxies and star systems
In the first instants there was only pure energy. As this energy expanded, it cooled, and within the first second, the basic forces and particles that would later become all the things we see in our universe and how they interact, condensed from this energy. Within the first five minutes, these basic particles will have combined to form nuclei, mainly Hydrogen and Helium, (roughly 75 and 25%). At roughly a million years after the beginning, this universe has cooled enough for the nuclei to combine with electrons and to form neutral atoms. This universe contained twice as much matter as needed to form the 100 billion or so galaxies we see today. As time went on, about half of this expanding sphere of matter (mostly Hydrogen and Helium gases) aggregated into components until each of these components became gravitationally stable and contained enough matter to make a galaxy. These are called protogalaxies. The other half remains disseminated in intergalactic space. As stars begin to form in these protogalaxies turning them into galaxies, the universe begins to take on its present appearance. In the early stages of galactic formation, many (perhaps even most) of these are small galaxies, that will collide to form the large galaxies we see today.  This took place perhaps as early as a billion years after the Big Bang. 

One of these immense clouds of Hydrogen and Helium (protogalaxies) would eventually become our own galaxy, the Milky Way. Over the 10-plus billion years that the Milky Way has been in existence, stars and solar systems have been born within it, gone through their lives and died. Some have died quietly, while others self-destructed in spectacular explosions called supernovae