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As electrons decay from the excited state to ground state:
 a. they liberate energy  b. they produce electromagnetic waves  c. spectral lines are emitted
 d. they emit EM waves of specific frequencies  e. all the above are correct.

On the basis of spectra emitted by objects we can tell:
 a. their state (in part) b. their composition  c. their temperature d. their motion  e. all the above.

A bright LINE emission spectrum is produced by:
 a. a hot dense gas  b. a hot non-dense gas   c. a cool solid  d. a hot liquid    e. a hot solid

 The blue shift of a star's spectrum tells you:
 a. that the star has a hot surface  b. that fusion reactions are taking place  c. that the star is stable  d. that the star is moving  e. that the star is old.

Suppose that the velocity of a wave is constant. As we increase the wavelength:
 a. amplitude increases  b. amplitude decreases  c. frequency increases  d. frequency decreases  e. the  distance from crest to crest decreases.

The EM radiation with the shortest wavelength is:
 a. infrared   b. visible   c. radar   d. X rays   e. radio
 If the sun were to disappear right now, we would not know it for 8 minutes because:
 a. the sun is so large it would take it 8 min to disappear b. it would take 8 minutes for the  equipment we have to record the change   c. it takes light 8 min to get here from  the sun  d. all three  are correct  e. none are correct
The velocity of light in a vacuum:
 a. increases as the source moves towards you   b. decreases as the source moves away from you
 c. constant regardless of the motion of the source.   d. constant only if the source is moving parallel  to you  e. it varies, so all the above could be true

If the frequency of an electromagnetic wave (such as light) in space were decreased, which of the following  would occur?
 a. velocity would increase     b. height would increase     c. wavelength would increase
 d. wavelength would decrease e. none of these would occur, because frequency is not
 related to any of these variables.

If the peak emission of an object were located in the infra-red, which of the following would be a correct  statement?
 a. it would give off mostly heat   b. you could read this exam by its light   c. it would be cooler than  a radio emitter    d. it would be hotter than an X-ray source     e. it would give off infra-red

In lab, we used line spectra to tell:
 a. temperature    b. motion    c. density    d. composition e. none of these

Which of the following colors is NOT an acceptable emission color of the visible spectrum to moi?
 a) red  b) green  c) purple  d) yellow  e) they're all ok by me

A blue shifted spectrum means:
 a. motion away from the receiver    b. motion towards the receiver   c. a higher temperature
 d. a lower temperature e. none of these

The telescope you built with the lenses was of which type?
 a. Refracting (Galilean)   b. Newtonian   c. Radio    d. Cassegrainian   e. none of these

 The farther away in space we look:
 a. the farther  back in time we look   b. the slower light moves (red shift)    c. the faster the rotational
 velocities of galaxies d. the cooler it gets  e. the more galaxies we see as space becomes more and less  dense.

Which of the following is fundamentally different type of wave from the others?
 a. gamma rays  b. X-rays  c. visible light waves  d. sound waves   e. radio waves

 The correct sequence for: 1. red light 2. gamma rays 3. radio 4. ultra-violet and 5. microwave in order of  INCREASINGLY higher frequency is:
 a. 1,2,3,4,5  b. 2,3,1,5,4  c. 3,5,1,4,2   d.2,4,1,5,3,  e. 3,5,1,2,4

Given: 1-red light  2-radar waves  3-ultraviolet light
4-X-rays 5-indigo light 6-gamma rays, what is the correct sequence of these waves based on INCREASING energy?
a. 1,2,5,6,4,6  b.2,1,5,3,4,6  c.6,4,3,5,2,1 d. 4,6,5,3,2,1  e.none of the above
Which of the following EM waves would have the least energy?
 a) red light    b) ultraviolet   c) infrared  d) radio    e) radar

 Peak emission tells us the ________ of an object:
 a. temperature    b. motion    c. density    d. composition  e. none of these

Which color star has a hotter surface (peak emission)?
 a. red   b. yellow   c. green   d. indigo   e. violet

The line spectra are given off by a:
 a. solid  b. liquid  c. dense hot gas  d. dense cool gas    e. thin (non-dense) hot gas

Look at diagram . Part A is?
 a. height   b. crest   c.wavelength   d. frequency  e. amplitude

Look at diagram  Given the lab reference spectrum on top and a spectrum from a star at  the bottom we can say that that star is:
 a. moving towards us   b. moving away from us   c. not moving relative to us
 d. getting hotter all the time    e. all of these

The velocity of light in a vacuum:
 a. always increases towards you     b. always decreases away from you  c. constant only if the source is  moving with the earth    d. always the same @ 186,000 mi/s     e. none of the above

The red shift of a star's spectrum tells you:
 a. that the star has a hot surface  b. that fusion reactions are taking place
 c. that the star is stable    d. that the star is moving     e. that the star is old.

  a. were "invented" by  Galileo (as an astronomical tool)   b. gather electromagnetic radiation
 c. magnify   d. allow us to resolve distant sources of light    e. all the above apply

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